Compose Input: A Demonstration of Text Input and Validation with Android Compose

A sample survey app that showcases text input, validation and UI state management in Compose.

Project Description

Project Description:

The app is a sample project that demonstrates how to use the Android Compose UI toolkit to build a survey app. The app allows the user to answer a series of questions. It showcases some of the key features of the Compose UI toolkit, data management, and user interactions.


Learning Outcomes :

By end of this project:

  • You’ll be able to work on Android studio and build an app.

  • You’ll be able to integrate the database accordingly.

Project Workflow:

  • Users register into the application.

  • After registration , user logins into the application.

  • User enters into the main page

  • From Admin Side he can login to the app and can view all the data.

To complete the project you need to finish up the tasks listed below:


1.Required initial steps

2.Creating a new project.

3.Adding required dependencies.

4.Creating the database classes.

5.Building application UI and connecting to database.

6.Using AndroidManifest.xml

7.Running the application.

Skills you will develop

  • Android
  • Kotlin